40年老房装修之前和之后! 惊人的结果! by Nicholas Yim 物业改善 0 装修或改造房子是一件很有成就感的事情,看着家一天一天变得漂亮,在最后的软装布置没有完成前,我们总是满怀期待。今天我们来看看这所将近40年的房子装修前后的差距。 例子一 这是之前的外观。这个结构很明显很旧,上面布满了污渍。院子里也杂草丛生,篱笆也在倒塌。现在这所房子刷了一层新的白色油漆,并配备了一些简单的黑色窗框和栏杆。 Source From: https://mothership.sg/ 简约的室内 简约的室内 曾经房子的内部,简陋且肮脏,经过装潢及刷了白漆,房子现在看起来干净又明亮。再来设计师使用现代简约的家具,让房子看起来焕然一新。 例子二 想要看更详细的老房装修解说,请点击例子二(查看更多) 查看更多 Bukit Jalil – 12家必吃美食!赶快去试试: The Best To Stay At Bukit Jalil: Z Residence: RM735kSize: 1,407Room: 3Furnishing: Fully Furnished Asking price: 700k Casa Green: RM535kSize: 1,003sfRoom: 4 rooms 3 bathsFurnishing: Fully Furnished + RenovatedPrice: 535kSize: 1,003sfRoom: 3 rooms 3 bathsFurnishing: Fully Furnished + RenovatedPrice: 535k Click To Know More: https://www.maxlandrea.com/property/z-residence-bukit-jalil-for-sale/ For any enquire, please call:Call: +60129346860WhatsApp: https://wa.link/xto8ch Other Residences for Rent & Sale: 1. The Treez Bukit Jalil 2. The Park Bukit Jalil 3. KM1 Residence Bukit Jalil 4. Z Residence Bukit Jalil 5. Casa Green Bukit Jalil 6. Kiara Residence Bukit Jalil 如有任何查询,请致电:致电或信息: +60129346860WhatsApp: https://wa.link/xto8ch Free Malaysia Property Insights & Trends Get Monthly informed analysis on Malaysia property markets and exclusive, early access to investment opportunities delivered rights to your inbox. Name Email Contact No Subscribe